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Everything You Need To Know About The Best Online Dyslexia Programs

Even before the days of Zoom meetings and working from home, online dyslexia programs were in existence, helping students to improve reading skills from the comfort of their home computers. Online dyslexia programs—powered by convenience, consistency, and intensity—can help students who struggle with dyslexia to improve. These programs can change the lives and self-confidence of students who struggle with reading. Success that students earn from working with online dyslexia programs can help them to develop stronger self-confidence and a stronger interest in reading. Read on to learn more about some of the qualities of the best online dyslexia programs:

Accessibility and Convenience: Sometimes problems can arise when families are searching for help for their students with dyslexia. Whether these issues involve geographical limitations or shortages of qualified interventionists, online dyslexia programs can provide accessible help on a home computer. Often in-person offices can only offer a few hours of one-on-one help per day. Online dyslexia programs like Dyslexia on Demand have many therapists on-hand who are able to meet with students.

Comfort: Working with an online program, students are not traveling to an office, waiting for a therapy session, or working in an impersonal space. Instead, online programs allow students to learn and to work from the comfort of their home.

Flexibility: Online programs for dyslexia offer students the ability to learn on their own terms. Parents can be nearby, but therapists and students really do the work together based on student needs.

Tailored:  Dyslexia on Demand is an online dyslexia program that is geared exclusively toward each student’s individual needs. This service has a philosophy that focuses on one day at a time, one letter at a time, one sound at a time, and one child at a time.

Professional: Dyslexia on Demand’s online program uses Certified Academic Language Therapists (CALTs). These highly trained professionals are qualified to implement therapeutic grade, Orton-Gillingham based dyslexia intervention programs.

Consistent: The Dyslexia on Demand online program not only exclusively provides highly trained experts, it also has an important goal: students will work closely and exclusively with one therapist unless an unforeseen circumstance arises.

Intensive: Certified Academic Language Therapists (CALTs) are able to provide expert, skilled one-on-one or small-group intervention in online programs like the ones at Dyslexia on Demand. These meetings occur with high frequency over a sustained period of time. This repeated practice helps students to develop accurate and fluent reading with improved comprehension.

Clinically Diagnostic and Prescriptive: At Dyslexia on Demand, CALTs review students’ comprehensive evaluation reports and academic samples. Then, these experts administer skills assessments for baseline data. Students’ scores inform diagnostic and prescriptive intervention to achieve the best results for each individual.

Personal connections: Working one-on-one, consistently with a CALT makes learning a personal experience for Dyslexia on Demand students. Connecting with a great therapist can help a student with dyslexia to enjoy his or her learning experience, making success even more likely.

Proven programs: Dyslexia on Demand is capable of so much success through its online programs. These two programs include Take Flight dyslexia therapy and Basic Language Skills therapy, and they were designed by professionals and developed to enable students to achieve and maintain better word recognition, fluency, and comprehension. The Basic Language Skills therapy curriculum is researched-based and helps students with phonemic awareness, letter recognitions, decoding, spelling, fluency, comprehension, handwriting, vocabulary, and oral-written expression.

Engaging: CALTs are skilled in instruction using multisensory structure language. During online sessions, they can work with students to integrate visual, auditory, and motor processing. This approach engages students, and it provides them with a strong foundation in written language skills.

Life-changing: Online dyslexia programs like Dyslexia on Demand aim to make each child responsible for his or her own learning success. Using the latest scientific research-based programs in reading, writing, handwriting, spelling, study skills, and math, students learn to become independent advocates when it comes to their education.

Every child deserves to have the opportunity to learn how to be academically successful. Learning styles or academic challenges should not be a barrier to this kind of success. Reach out to Dyslexia on Demand, and learn more about how to start your student with a great online dyslexia program. Call 888-292-3906, or click here to schedule a consultation.

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