Location: Marion, AR
Education: Harding University
Years Experience Teaching: 7
Years Experience In Dyslexia: 4
Teaching Experience
I began in the education field teaching grades 3rd and 4th. I transitioned as a reading interventionist for our school district and had the opportunity to receive training at Texas Scottish Rite Hospital and after completion became a Dyslexia Therapist. I have been blessed to work with students K-9 so far.
Professional Affiliations
ALTA ( Academic Language Therapist Association)
CALT( Certified Academic Language Therapist)
Programs Trained In
Take Flight
Age Range You Feel Most Comfortable With:
Why did you decide to become a CALT?
When faced with a student that showed difficulty with reading in 3rd grade, I knew I had to dig deeper to better understand the why behind it. I’m so grateful to have received the training in Take Flight. I now can teach and reach those students and boost their confidence in the 5 components of reading.
Favorite moment working with dyslexic students?
I love to see the “aha” moments! It’s rewarding when students can tell you the why and develop a love for reading.
Your goal when working with kids with dyslexia?
My first goal is to build a relationship with not only the student but parent as well. I want every student to know that when they are learning mistakes will happen. Working as a team in the learning process will boost their confidence and know they are in a safe place to learn.
Your teaching style, personality?
Consistent and calm with high expectations for all students regardless of learning disability.