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Dyslexia Therapy Reimagined

Dyslexia Testing

Everything You Need To Know About Dyslexia Testing

Maybe a classroom teacher has mentioned some concerns to you about your child’s reading skills. Or perhaps you’ve suspected that your student struggles with comprehension. Maybe you notice that your child avoids reading aloud. If you’re concerned about your child…

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How To Tell If Your Child Is Dyslexic

How To Tell If Your Child Is Dyslexic

A beautiful thing that stemmed from the world of educational psychology in the 1980s is Howard Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences. This theory puts forward the belief that people all have various, distinct types of intelligences and not just one…

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Dyslexia Treatment

7 FAQs About Dyslexia Treatment

When you become a parent, no one hands you an instruction manual to refer to for all of the important parts of parenthood. Parents are left to their own devices to navigate major things like health care and education, sometimes…

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