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Things Parents Can Do For a Dyslexic Child

5 Things Parents Can Do For a Dyslexic Child

There are some really great resources available for families who are dealing with dyslexia. The International Dyslexia Association lays out a whole game plan for families with dyslexic students. In fact, they’ve written a whole 36-page handbook on it. This…

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What Is It Like Being Dyslexic

What Is It Like Being Dyslexic?

Did you know that students cannot outgrow dyslexia? Dyslexia is a neurobiological difference that people are born with. For parents, once your student has a dyslexia diagnosis, learning all of the new information about this learning disability can be empowering…

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Dyslexia in the Classroom

What to Expect From Dyslexia in the Classroom

When the new school year starts, it’s so common to see proud parents post pictures of their kids on social media, complete with chalkboards that boast their age, grade, and career aspirations. It can be an exciting time for families…

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Signs of Dyslexia in a child

What Are The Signs of Dyslexia In A Child?

Consider all of the things that you read on a daily basis: texts, menus, e-mails, receipts, books, articles, documents, signs, websites, lists, and letters. Think about how hard daily reading tasks must be for those people who have been born…

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Dyslexia help for students

Where to Find Dyslexia Help For Students

If you’re the parent of a student who has been diagnosed with dyslexia, it’s likely that your first intuition is to seek solutions to help. Looking for help is a great first step. However, when you Google: “dyslexia help,” more…

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Dyslexia Diagnosis

What To Do After a Dyslexia Diagnosis

At first, a dyslexia diagnosis might be devastating for parents and students. There is plenty to take care of: filling out paperwork and figuring out the best approach to treatment for your child. However, a dyslexia diagnosis is not necessarily…

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