Location: Maryville, Tennessee
Education: B.S. Interdisciplinary Studies- Texas A&M University, M.Ed. Special Education/Educational Diagnostician-Texas Woman’s University, Ed.S. Educational Leadership- Lincoln Memorial University
Years Experience Teaching: 23
Years Experience In Dyslexia: 12
Teaching Experience
I started my career in Texas working as a second and third-grade bilingual teacher. I also worked as an Educational Diagnostician for 3 years before moving to Colorado where I worked at Children’s Hospital Colorado in the Learning Services Division for 10 years. I recently moved to Tennessee and serve as an ELL Teacher for students in Kindergarten through Second grade.
Professional Affiliations
ALTA (Academic Language Therapy Association)
IDA (International Dyslexia Association)
TNTESOL (Tennessee Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages)
Programs Trained In
Take Flight
Wilson Reading System
Age Range You Feel Most Comfortable With:
All Age Groups
Why did you decide to become a CALT?
Honestly, I did not know anything about being a CALT until I started working at Children’s Hospital Colorado. The manager at the time encouraged us to pursue this certification and I am beyond thankful that I did! Becoming a CALT has transformed my teaching. I absolutely believe that learning to read is life-changing.
Favorite moment working with dyslexic students?
“I feel like I can do anything now!” -dyslexic student after reading her first word independently
Your goal when working with kids with dyslexia?
My goal when working with kids with dyslexia is to always try to set them up for success and to help them believe in the power of “yet.”
Your teaching style, personality?
I am understanding, patient, and flexible. I know school is difficult, so I want the student to feel as successful as they can when they are working with me.
Any extra anecdotal info you want to add?
When I am not working, I enjoy attempting to walk my dog, going hiking, and cheering on the Fighting Texas Aggies! Gig ’em!