Location: Warren, AR
Education: I received my Graduate and Masters from the University of Arkansas at Monticello. My degrees are in P4-12 Early Childhood Education, 5-6th Grade, along with a Pk-12 Special Education-Instructional Specialist.
Years Experience Teaching: 13
Years Experience In Dyslexia: 1
Teaching Experience
I taught First Grade for one year. For the past twelve years to present, I have taught special education to sixth-eighth graders along with providing special education services to DYS students in grades sixth-twelvth. This past year, I started teaching Dyslexia Instruction. My roles at school also include being the Jr. Beta Club Sponsor.
Programs Trained In
Structures, Take Flight-Scottish Rite for Children, RISE
Age Range You Feel Most Comfortable With:
10 and up
Why did you decide to become a CALT?
My daughter exhibits many characteristics of dyslexia. She was struggling and performing academically two-and-half grade levels below where she should have been. After being tested and placed in the Take Flight program, three years later, she is at the end of book five and is testing on her grade level. She went from not being able to read or write to being able to pick up almost any book and read it. I have seen the success with her and I see many middle school special education kids struggling to fit in with their peers due to not being able to read and write. I want to be able to offer them a reading program that I have seen work in order to help them boost their confidence.
Favorite moment working with dyslexic students?
This past year I was able to watch a seventh grader, who could not read basic one syllable words, to start reading simple phrases. When it came time for the end of the year standardized test, he even protested to the counselor in taking the test because he was not finish with all seven Take Flight books yet. He would tell you that program was helping him.
Your goal when working with kids with dyslexia?
Teaching one the skills they need to become independent in reading and writing. I also strive to teach one how to advocate for their needs in order to be successful outside the classroom.
Your teaching style, personality?
All students are different so I try to connect and build relationships with each student on a personal level. I do this by starting our time together through sharing what it is going on with our lives. I am very organized and structured with my teaching but I do have a laid back personality. Communication is very important to me and I work hard to keep everyone informed of the students needs and progress.
Any family details?
I have been married for 15 years and my husband and I have two school-aged kids, dogs, a cat and chickens. We have been fortunate to have land in the country so we like to hunt, fish and hang out with friends around our pool. Along with our adult jobs, we own a small business as well.