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Dyslexia Therapy Reimagined

Lena Lampley

Location: Aledo, Texas

Education: BSIS from Stephen F. Austin State University

Years Experience Teaching: 17

Years Experience In Dyslexia: 2

Teaching Experience

I have taught as a classroom teacher in Pre-kindergarten, kindergarten, first grade and second grade. I have taught dyslexia therapy for elementary, intermediate, and middle school campuses.

Professional Affiliations

Member of Academic Language Therapy Association (ALTA) since 2022

Programs Trained In

Take Flight, MTA, and Reading By Design

Age Range You Feel Most Comfortable With:

Why did you decide to become a CALT?

My daughter was identified dyslexic when she was 8 years old. I saw how her dyslexia therapy changed her reading, writing, spelling, and social behavior. I wanted to help other students the way her therapist helped her!

Favorite moment working with dyslexic students?

I can’t name just one moment. My favorite is many moments with the same result: When a student self corrects a mistake and makes a connection to previous learning, their eyes shine bright and you can see the learning and rewiring of the dyslexic brain.

Your goal when working with kids with dyslexia?

Working together as a team to ensure students have the reading and spelling tools they need to be successful inside and outside of my classroom.

Your teaching style, personality?

I am a visual learner so I incorporate many visuals into my teaching.

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