Location: San Antonio, TX
Education: Bachelors of Science in Applied Learning and Development – University of Texas at Austin, Masters in Education – University of Texas at San Antonio
Years Experience Teaching: 11
Years Experience In Dyslexia: 6
Teaching Experience
I have taught Pre-K, middle school journalism and yearbook, Reading Intervention, and ELAR for grades 6-8. For the past 5 years I have been a dyslexia therapist at a middle school.
Professional Affiliations
I am a Certified Academic Language Therapist and member of ALTA, the Academic Language Therapy Association.
Programs Trained In
Take Flight
Basic Language Skills (but haven’t taught it in 8 years)
Age Range You Feel Most Comfortable With:
3rd through 9th grade
Why did you decide to become a CALT?
After seeing middle schoolers struggle with reading, I realized I have a soft spot for students who have been unsuccessful with reading and school for years. Seeing kids finally “get it” is the best feeling a a teacher.
Favorite moment working with dyslexic students?
Having kids be enthusiastic about showing me their work and not being afraid to read out loud in front of their peers.
Your goal when working with kids with dyslexia?
To show them that they are smart and capable if they just put in the work to learn how to decode. Also, to show them that practice pays off!
Your teaching style, personality?
I am very laid-back and easygoing. I love laughing while teaching and making students feel comfortable and not afraid to make mistakes.
Any family details?
I am married with two boys; an 8 year old and a 5 year old with autism. They are both super quirky and smart.