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Dyslexia Therapy Reimagined

9 Things To Know About Adults with Dyslexia

As dyslexia screening becomes more prevalent and awareness becomes more widespread, children with dyslexia are usually identified early in their educational careers. That hasn’t always been the case however, and many adults with dyslexia have never received any assitance in…

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Not Just Reading And Spelling – The Impact Of Dyslexia

Dyslexia manifests itself most obviously as difficulty with reading and spelling, but there are other cognitive deficits associated with the learning difference that can have a dramatic impact on children’s educational experience. Processing speed, working memory and long-term retrieval all…

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struggling readers graphic

Top Reading Strategies for Struggling Readers

If your child is having difficulty reading, it can be hard to know how to help. Here are nine top reading strategies for struggling readers that parents can employ to assist their child. Read to your child: There’s a reason…

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