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Dyslexia Therapy Reimagined

How To Know If Your Child Needs Dyslexia Therapy

There are so many milestones as babies grow up to be busy toddlers and active school children. From walking to talking, first steps and first words can become landmark occasions for families. By kindergarten, there are often reading milestones set…

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9 Simple Reading Strategies For Struggling Readers

Keeping it simple is key for kids who are struggling with their reading skills. While data and studies about dyslexia confirm that decodable readers and explicit phonics-based instruction are essential at school, at home it is often the most basic,…

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What is the Best Curriculum for Dyslexia?

Fortunately, for students with dyslexia (and their parents) who are seeking help with their learning difference, there are many options to choose from. A suitable dyslexia program should be dedicated to addressing the issues that surround this specific learning disability.…

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5 Elements In Effective Dyslexia Reading Programs

Reading is one of the most important life skills a student can possess. From math to history to English, reading well is an essential skill across all subjects. However, mastering reading skills can be quite challenging for students with dyslexia.…

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Why Students with Dyslexia Can Struggle with Math

Dyslexia is often associated with difficulty reading, but students with dyslexia often struggle in math too. Math can be complex. It’s a subject made up of symbols, word problems, and concepts of time, sequence, and order. Math also calls on…

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5 Ways Dyslexia Can Help Your Child

Dyslexia is often defined in negative terms: a deficit, a disability, a difficult thing. While dyslexia can negatively impact skills in reading, spelling, and fluency, students with dyslexia can have many other strengths. Identifying dyslexia early and designing appropriate instruction…

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