About Us – Dyslexia Specialists
We believe:
- Every child deserves the opportunity to learn to be academically successful regardless of learning style or academic challenges.
- One day at a time, one letter at a time, one sound at a time, and one child at a time.
- Every child should be responsible, independent, and an advocate for their learning success using the latest scientific, research-based programs in reading, writing, handwriting, spelling, study skills, and math.
- All ages, in a one-on-one setting, geared exclusively to the child’s individual needs.
Our dyslexia specialists are highly trained as Certified Academic Language Therapists. Our online dyslexia programs use the latest reading research to provide the best possible outcome for your child. Our sessions provide a therapeutic environment, free from distractions present in many school-based dyslexia and reading interventions. Students and parents are given compensatory strategies to help each student become academically successful. Parents are partners in the remediation of reading difficulties and are given step-by-step guidance to support their child at home to get the most out of academic language therapy.
Our Team
Meet the very talented group of virtual dyslexia therapists with dyslexia on demand.
Office Staff
Megan Pinchback
Brandi Blaylock
M.Ed, CALT, LDT, Director of Operations & Community Support
Lisa Patton
B.A., Director of Finance & Marketing Strategy
Service Providers
* All therapists are independent contractors providing services through Megan Pinchback PLLC, DBA Dyslexia On Demand
A Word From Our CEO
“I am passionate about changing lives of dyslexic children and educating the country about the importance of utilizing a CALT due to the differences in their levels of training and his/her access to therapeutic programs such as Take Flight.
Once the country understands what has been around for decades, and makes their use a priority, we can start making the true change that is needed for positive academic and emotional outcomes for these kids!”
- Megan
Get In Touch
Is your child in need of dyslexia tutoring to alleviate learning struggles? Let us educate you on the difference between tutoring and therapy.
Email: info@dyslexiaondemand.com